Does Your Body Need an Oil Change?

Wait, I got this, “Yes, yes it does need an oil change.”

Especially if you’re eating processed seed oils—then you really need a change, like coconut oil, olive oil, or something totally yummy like grass-fed butter, which is great for cooking.

As a holistic nutritionist, it’s my job to look under the hood of my clients, the same way your mechanic does. And just like your mechanic, I recommend regular tune-ups for your vehicle, planet you.

You might be asking, “What does that even mean?”

The body is amazingly complex. Every day your body naturally detoxifies substances (molecules, viruses, bugs, heavy metals, things) that make their way into you via food, drink, air, gamma-rays, x-rays, microwaves, you name it. You are always detoxifying. But here’s the rub. If you are eating a lot of processed and denatured foods then your body is too busy trying to sort that crap out and doesn’t have time to detoxify and, more critically, heal what might be a greater source of pain (dis-ease) for you.


What is dis-ease? Quite literally a feeling of unease or discomfort. It’s a message in a bottle from your body, sincerely you. Hence the word, disease. When you break it down, the English language is really quite magical. And everything is information. So yes, disease is information. Use it for your own good or perish. Onward!


We have a few different fluids coursing through our body. Most famously is the blood. This is pure nourishment. Blood circulates to all tissues of the body and supplies fresh oxygen as well as various other key molecules like glucose (hello, pure jet fuel for the brain). But a lesser talked about fluid—perhaps lesser appreciated, but no less important—is the lymphatic, loaded with white blood cells, proteins and fats. The lymphatic is like the sewer system of the body, if it gets plugged up, then you get plugged up, and disease sets in.


Unfortunately, in today’s world, this state of clogged lymph is the norm for most people. People are literally walking around with backed-up sewers and don’t even know it. They think it’s normal to have brain fog, or low energy, or sore bones and muscles. Even worse, so many think it’s simply a part of aging to be arthritic or to have chronic blood sugar issues or to be obese.


I remember when I was teenager reading an article that with every decade on the planet you naturally gain five to ten pounds of belly fat—just because! I’m here to tell you that is a myth! Dis-ease is not natural. Dis-ease is a message from the body to straighten up and fly right.


What’s the best way to do that? Cleanse! Detox!

When you detox you give your body a break from the most taxing thing it does all day—digestion. Digestion takes 85% of your body’s resources at any given time. That’s precious enzymes and co-enzymes (think vitamins, minerals and the like) that would otherwise go toward healing the toe you stubbed on the furniture at two in the morning or sealing your gut from too many soft drinks or whatever the ailment. Does that make sense?


Every chemical reaction in your body requires enzymes and you only have so many to go around. If, say, you did a raw food herbal cleanse with me (coming this summer—my ultimate High Vibe Cleanse) you will be giving your body all the herbs and pure natural healing enzymes to digest, and then some, to go toward healing the tissues from past assaults, whether self-inflicted or environmental (and it’s always a bit of both, isn’t it ;-)


Make sense? That’s where I come in. As a holistic nutritionist, I help people help themselves to the most natural thing in the world, detoxifying tissues so your body can do what it does best—heal. And we all could use a little loving healing, couldn’t we.


So do yourself a favor, sign up for an “oil change”—detox—with me. Get the support you need from the people who know. In love, light and health, 

xx Shannon




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