
My mom and I in Sedona. Ex/ Her bio clock is ticking slower than most!

My mom and I in Sedona. Feb 23. Her Bio Clock is ticking far slower than most!

Have you heard of this? Do YOU know what it means? Should you?

Yes, yes you should. Inflammation + Aging = Inflammaging!

A cute way to say: all those nasty free radicals that wreak havoc – causing inflammation in your tissues – are making you look like an old coot. Inflammation accelerates aging.

This comes as no surprise. If you’ve spent any time learning about health, you know that inflammation is caused by a variety of inputs—many in our control (think: processed food, EMFs, tap water, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, etc). And chronic inflammation is a precursor to disease, like arthritis, obesity, hypothyroid, diabetes, heart trouble, high blood pressure, and so on. Aging, on the other hand, just happens, the clock is always ticking.

If you’re an average person alive in 2023, who eats the Standard American Diet, you never cleanse, don’t even know what that is, you’re hooked on Big Macs and Big Gulps, you’re idea of a work-out is walking to the car, this means your aging clock just entered NASCAR  and you’re about to get a speeding ticket. Not good news. Even if you are relatively healthy, have a salad every night, do yoga a few times a week and walk the dog every day, we all are aging fast than ever before.

Why? Because we are inundated with toxins.

Unless you are pro-actively working to decrease and detoxify from your body and brain pathogens, parasites, candida, processed dead food, psychological stress, harsh chemicals, heavy metals and, most importantly, fear – then you are inflammaging.

That means you have an up-regulated inflammatory response which creates a low-grade inflammation throughout the body.

Remember when you were young and hang overs would barely last a morning, cured with a dip in cold water or a jug of OJ. Or you could work out for an entire afternoon, weights, cardio, or a five hour bike ride, and wake up the next day to do it all again?

Yah, those days are gone — or are they?

For me this is all rather simple. It boils down to toxic load. When you’re young, you’ve been on the planet a short time, you’ve not been exposed to near the toxins of someone older than you. (I know, they’re now finding glyphosate in the umbilical cords of newborns. Environmental toxins are now becoming ubiquitous.) Either way, it’s all bad news. It means our children will age – inflammage – sooner and quicker than we will.

This increased oxidative stress creates cytokines, which creates even more free radicals, which impacts digestion (how we process fuel) and protein metabolism, exhausts stem cells, mucks with our mitochondria and the structure of our very DNA. This all then creates what are called senescent zombie cells!

What to do? Do not eat pro-inflammatory foods – these are refined processed dead food and they make your body acidic. Cancer thrives in an acidic body. Cancer thrives in decay. I’m talking bread, pasta, cheap sweets, refined carbs, conventional meat, farmed fish, trans fats, artificial anything, you get the pic.

Make sure you’re getting the nutrients you need by eating quality whole organic food. Stop with all the packages. Get back in the kitchen. Get back in the sun (carefully, don’t burn). Get in the water. Get on the trails. Get yourself some quality probiotics to heal that leaky gut. And, best of all, do a detox. Learn from a licensed nutritionist – i.e. ME – how to be in your body and nature again, learn how to truly nourish your cells and quash dis-ease (yes the hyphen is intended). And learn how to listen!

What’s that shoulder or lower back pain telling you? Is it stress? Is it an old injury? Shouldn’t the old injury be healed by now? Shouldn’t you be managing your stress by now?

Sorry. The truth hurts. Then we get over it and take action.

We are divinely designed to heal. The same energy that created you will heal you. Food should be/ can be/ will be your medicine. And there are quality supplements that can support to up-level your health to optimum.

NEXT CLEANSE: My Vibe High/ Summer Raw Plant Food Cleanse. July 17 – 30, 2023. Message me for details. We order supplements very soon.


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