Why Glow?

Learn Body Work By Glow Health Kauai

June 2022

Get your GLOW on.

What’s it like to glow, to truly radiate from the inside out, to pulse with energy and life force?

Bloody brilliant! And it’s my mission to help as many people as I can glow in radiant health. This isn’t about losing weight or squeezing into your favourite jeans (although that’s a sweet perk), this is about health, good clean living, and being conscious, fully awake in every aspect of your being—body, mind, spirit.

It’s your life journey. How do you want to live it?

Personally, I want to be fully and completely alive, free from pain/dis-ease so I can play and dazzle in whatever I do. I want off the stress-coaster so I can live large and be a space of endless possibility! And I want to relish in nature’s nourishment—whether slurping a tangy tangelo, taking a mineral-rich dip in the ocean or enjoying the sweet song of the meadowlark…

But we can’t do that if we’re tired, or sick, or achy, or depressed or can’t sleep. We need to fix that first and a diet won’t cut it. Because diets don’t get to the root to heal. They’re a quick fix. They cut & count calories, fixate on carbs and fats (instead of danger foods that exacerbate disease) and prescribe fat-burning supplements alongside empty promises that leave folks dangling from the fat-to-fit-to-fat yo-yo.

Enough already! Permanent weight loss and true health won’t happen until you clean out your body first—cleanse—flush--detox!

But don’t my liver and kidneys do that all day long? Yes, but in today’s toxic world, you need a liver 5 – 7 X larger than what God gave you to cope with the onslaught of environmental and industrial toxins. Bottomline, you cannot heal from dis-ease until you clean your body first. It’s not hard, but it requires commitment, patience, understanding and action.

In my program you learn how and why. It’s the “why” that keeps you in the game. We work to flush toxins that create dis-ease. We quash bad habits and create healthy new ones. We are there for each other. I teach you step-by-step ways to transform from sickness and malaise by getting to the root cause of what ails you. Each cleanse that I guide is a practical holistic program designed to put you on the road to optimum health.

Now, how about that glow…

As biophotonic beings, when we are clean, when the body and mind function optimally, we emit and absorb light in almost every cell of our body. Every time we eat real food from nature (i.e. plants), we harness the sun. Because what is a plant? Beyond a miracle of life force, it’s water, carbon and sunshine. You too are water, carbon and sunshine (and a whole lot more). If you eat organic whole food as a lifestyle, treat your body like the temple it is, and take care of your mind and spirit, you too will glow with the energy of optimum health and the SUN.

So, let’s do it. Let’s GLOW together!


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